Common Sense, Christian, Conservative
(1) Do you believe in the separation of Church and State in our government?
A: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof " Our founders did not want government to tell us how we were to worship; where we were to worship; or who we were to worship. They did not want the government to tell us how we pray, when we pray or who we pray to. They didn’t want the government to establish a national religion. But… . The Government should not be used as a weapon against religious individuals and the free exercise of their religion. The government is not supposed to coerce us to practice religion nor is it supposed to deny us of our ability to practice our religion or to challenge our beliefs and faith.
(2) What are your views on Climate Change and fossil fuel consumption and what steps do we need to implement to reverse these harmful effects to our planet, such as Big Coal and Big Gas?
A: I have studied and taught on this subject for 30 years. When I was going through high school we were taught that the earth was getting colder and colder and we were going into a time of global cooling and would be facing a new mini ice age. By 1986 we were told that no, there was a time of global warming occurring based on greenhouse gases. Predictions were made in the 1990s about how warm the earth was going to get in the next 20 years and how much of Florida was going to be flooded by sea water etc.. Those predictions have not come true. The consensus is that from 1900-2000 (100 years) the average global temperature has increased somewhere between .8 and 1 degrees Celsius.
Since fossil fuels account for 79% of all the energy we use in the US and drives our economy any attack of those industries will result in a decline to our economic viability. The hysteria being promulgated for political purposes saying that we must eliminate our use of fossil fuels in the next 10 to 12 years is ignorant of what effect that would have on our economy and would plunge the world into a crisis which would kill millions of people living on the margins when the world economies collapsed. We should pursue renewable energy sources and add them to our portfolio of energy source as we continue forward and with clean nuclear we can cut back on our use of the dirtiest of fossil fuels but we will still need fossil fuels going forward for the next 50 years.
(3) Would you support ANY gun safety legislation in Missouri?
A: Yes. I would support legislation that would allow someone like Jack Wilson, the hero that stopped the shooter at West Freeway Church of Christ in Texas, to carry a gun. I would support the right of the McCloskeys in St. Louis to use guns to provide safety for themselves and their property against a rioting mob. Guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens is gun safety.
(4) Are you, or have you ever been, a member of the NRA? Yes, I currently am a member.
What rating do you expect to receive from the NRA as an endorsement if you seek their support?
A: I would hope they would endorse me as a representative who would protect our absolute constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
(5) Right now 28 public school districts have had to go from a 5 day to 4 day a week schedule because of under-funding and all are in rural areas which translates to longer school days and shorter weeks.
A: Some school districts have chosen to go to a 4 day work week and we will see if it improves their standard test scores etc… It is the right of a local school district to choose to use their money the way they would like to. They chose to go to a 4 day work week as a way of saving money and because they thought it would be beneficial. Some went to a 4 day school week to help with teacher retention. Some districts are really happy about their 4 day work week we will see if it affects their standardized test scores.
(6) Missouri has passed some of the most stringent anti-abortions laws in the nation including adding victims of rape and incest be denied access to an abortion. Do you support this action?
A: Yes, I support the 8 week abortion ban although I think I would have preferred the heartbeat bill. Planned Parenthood is one of the largest abortion providers in the abortion industry. The real statistics according to Gallup in 2019 shows that currently in the US 49% identify as pro-life and 46% of the respondents identify as pro-choice.
(7) Do you support, and will you stand by, ALL of the interest of the Missouri Retired Teachers Association in regards to fully funding public schools.
A:Yes, Under a Republican controlled House and Senate and a Republican Governor we have fully funded the foundation formula. If we start funding some of the pet projects of some in our state and if we participate in Medicaid expansion we will not be able to fully fund the foundation formula.
(8) Charter Schools take tax funding away from our public school system and makes it hard to keep those public school doors open. They also have very little oversight or regulations which can damage a students ability to preform at his or her highest. Since you might represent a rural district, do you support Charter Schools in our rural communities?
A: Charter schools are public schools and are funded with taxpayer money like all other public schools. No one is suggesting Charter school schools for rural school districts. How would that work? My question is this: Do students living in a St. Louis or Kansas City deserve a quality public education like all other student in the state of Missouri? Answer: Yes. Is Charter schools a possible answer for some of those students? Maybe
(9) Do you favor that ANY establishment of a Charter School should be voted on by the people in that school district?
A: Yes, I believe that is the position of most supporters of Charter schools as well. It is also the position of the MSTA (the Missouri State Teachers Association).
(10) If elected, you will be voting on many, many bill's. When it comes your turn to vote on the floor, will it be a vote of your conscience or a typical party line vote on how you are instructed to vote?
A: I will vote my conscience and what I think is in the best interest of my represented district.
(11) Do you believe in the right of unions to organize and the collective bargaining process? Yes
Will you support and march with any union who strikes on the picket line?
A: No, I am not a member of that union. If they choose to strike that is their choice and the choice of the members of their union.
(12) Will you protect the rights and liberties of the LGBTQ community and human rights as well as civil rights for all in Missouri?
All Missourians have the same rights and are protected by our Constitution. Every person’s rights and liberties as an American citizen and as a Missouri citizen must be protected. No group should need any special rights or privileges.
(13) Do you and your campaign plan to outline your platform in detail on the issues that you feel are important and that will effect the people of Missouri and District 6 as a republican candidate?
I have on my website at
(14) According to the "Living Wage Calculation" for Missouri, the hourly rate that a individual MUST earn to support his or herself and their family with both working and 2 children is $15.13 per hour based on 2080 hours per year. Do you support at least a $15.00 per hour wage for all workers in District 6 and Missouri?
No, I think that forcing employers to pay a $15 minimum wage is going to actually hurt workers and the economy. Some of this has actually been observed in the increase we have seen in the MO graduated wage increase so far. Shouldn’t we allow the free-market to decide what is the amount people can afford to pay for a particular job. The current wage of $9.45/hr is already a challenge for employers and has caused some inflation and decreased hours etc.. to keep the same amount of money budgeted for wages by employers. Next year it goes to $10.30/hr. I think we are making it challenging on small business owners around the state even at this wage and increasing to $15/hr now is not a good idea.
(15) As a state candidate and since your decision to run as a republican candidate for state representative of District 6, have you been instructed NOT to answer questions from the general public or engage in debate as part of full transparency?
No, I have made myself available at many public events and will do so. I can’t answer just one person’s questions especially if they are only interested in asking “got you” questions. My time is valuable as a full-time high school teacher running for state office.
(16) If you are elected would you sponsor, co-sponsor or support the legalization of marijuana in Missouri for those 21 years of age or older?
No. Absolutely not.
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Sherry Russell Treasurer